Today I saw that everything is very realistic and separated from me for half an hour it was stressful

Hey everybody this morning on the way to My therapist. what I experienced I think normal people feel.
Suddenly I found myself in a world of genuine people and cruelly all existing
It made me realize that most of the time everything feels like a dream, and my own film Murcia
That somehow what’s inside of me and what kind of "outside "mixed .outside went inside that makes me run away from places with people or act weird
While the inner world dress up everything that makes me either behave differently from other people like talking to myself on the street or laugh etc etc
And this morning was segregated. It was scard I asked my therapist how he can take it the rest of heas life.
any way The medicine should be registered by me and I’m not sure if I should take
good day to all:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I get this at times as well. It’s like your mind spills into the world or vise versa. A fish out of water to do to speak.
I think it’s fairly common. Best thing to do is try to react as best you can and with confidence.

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Everyone seems like robots at times even my family. I usually try to get outside and distract myself and not try to figure out why I’m perceiving things that way

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Hi I love the feelings and experiences that always matter. as a child loved to read about mental illness and now I got one to explorefrom inside.:slight_smile:

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So you don’t mind being I’ll? How old are you?

Derealization helps us to cope.

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I think we all hold a great deal of truth but look at things in such a microscopic way that we become overwhelmed.

It’d be nice if genuine love and a sense of good will could heal people.

No I don’t mind’ being ill/ I’m 34 year old

I had a therapist that was just too perfect, I thought she was a robot. I apparently told her so, lol. not good