Tiredness linked to smoking

I think I’m always tired Becouse of smoking, I need to clear mind, studies are hard.


I haven’t smoked in 6 years.

Yet I’m tired most of the day!


But if you smoke you would be super tired more then now

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I always felt that smoking helped with my concentration.

I would study and smoke.

Anyway, it’s all in the past now.

Happy to be a non-smoker.

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Smoking affect brain it makes you want smoke a lot Becouse when nicotine detoxication you cannot focus


Chat gpt response

While some smokers may perceive a temporary increase in concentration or focus while smoking, the long-term effects of smoking on cognitive function are negative. Nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes, can initially stimulate certain brain receptors, leading to a perceived increase in alertness and concentration. However, this effect is short-lived and often followed by a decrease in overall cognitive function.

Moreover, smoking is associated with various health risks, including respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. These health issues can have significant negative impacts on overall well-being and cognitive function over time.

Ultimately, any perceived short-term benefits of smoking for concentration are outweighed by the long-term health risks and detrimental effects on cognitive function. There are healthier and more effective ways to improve concentration, such as getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing mindfulness or meditation.

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It’s 2 hours how I’m not smoking now. But I haven’t rested enough

This is true and I hate it.

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when u quit you will def be more tired for a while. im not sure the long term tiredness on quitting. i havent quit for a long time in a long time. i dont think nicotine makes me tired tho. but maybe its more to do with the smoke. but i quit smoking and just use nicotine now

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