Tired of all the weird stuff

Having trouble sleeping. I go to bed at 12:00 am and wake up at 4:00 am and I’m hyperventilating, breathing really fast and shallow. And other weird stuff happens. Last night I never got into a deep sleep. My eyes were closed but I was still awake and I had a lucid dream all night, literally. I remember in the dream I was in a group home with all these different situations. I woke up every 20 or 30 minutes and then kinda half fell asleep and every time I half fell asleep I was in the group home again, like 5 or 6 times, maybe more. It was not a happy experience, it was bad for me mentally. I go through all kinds of different weird things at night time. I get sick of it.


Talk to the treatment options and maybe try a sleeper? Not sure you do but it’s not the best practice but sleep is so good and mentally the lack of it will ramp up other symptoms.

It’s weird. Did a year of less beer but last couple of months I’ve ramped up the caffeine especially in the afternoons…I’m sleeping better than I ever have and my fitbit tells me so.

Hang in there matey but talk to your doc…it’s worthwhile finding out your options even if you don’t go the medication route.

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Hey @77nick77 Have you ever been tested for sleep apnia? Maybe ask your primary care doctor about getting a referral. The dreams, waking abruptly, not able to get into sustained deep sleep all sound like possible symptoms of sleep apnea.

The sleep apnea test is very straightforward. They loan you a monitor you wear on your wrist like a watch and you have a pulse oximeter on one finger that also connects to the wrist monitor. You just wear it overnight and then return it and they download and analyze the data and give you your test results. If you do get diagnosed with sleep apnea then they prescribe a CPAP machine for home use.


Thanks @Moonbeam. A doctor I saw awhile back actually recommended I get tested for sleep apnea but I just never followed through with it. I’ll have to take it seriously and talk to my PCP about it.


Sleeping is really difficult on Invega its hard to go into deep sleep i have the same problem

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