Thought Broadcasting is a delusion

Thought Broadcasted for 12 years. I am so happy I found this forum last year. Most of my delusion is gone or has subsided


Good. Welcome on the forum.

Welcome! I hope you find support and friendship here, much like I have. Also I am glad your delusion has subsided that is exciting!!

Welcome. You’ll find some lovely people here. Has already helped me. I don’t feel so alone.

Welcome yes it’s a delusion T.B :slight_smile:

That’s great! Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the forum :sunny:

I’m still in hell here. Any help ?! Arguments or something conforting. I’m thinking suicidal cuz I can’t take it anymore.
If not I had this idea : let’s meet all of us like thought broadcasters squad and spend a week in any city just like holidays.


I’m down for this!

Can you explain thought broadcasting to me? I feel my thoughts can be read sometimes too.:hugs:

My doc said it was first used when there were only radios an people thought voices were coming to them an being sent through the radio as broadcasting. I think now a days it’s meaning changed to many different types of beliefs about their thoughts being stolen.

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