First of all off the bat I would Ike to say I’m not feeling delusional, I’m not feeling depressed nor manic.
My symptoms are in check.
I’ve been deep in thought lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that my life is not real.
There is something unreal and fantastic about it.
Very dream like, I mean what the ■■■■ is death about?!?
It almost seems like my existence and life in general is someone else’s dream or like like many others on here mention, simulation.
Everything feels so unreal!
Very dreamlike.
And psychosis is a dream/nightmare within a dream.
I have no idea. Could be derealization/depersonalization. I have heard this is a common symptom of sz. Do you feel disconnected from your environment or your body? Or both?
Hmm…you have me stumped then Wave. Maybe just a passing feeling?
I hope you don’t join the simulation crowd . You will be thinking that I am a robot or an actor or something .
Yes I think you are right @Bowens
I looked it up and I think I’m experiencing derealization symptoms, like the feeling that my surroundings are dream like.
I think I might have had a touch of this when I was younger. I would go to school and it would seem dreamlike. When I was home and out of that environment everything seemed normal. I believe back then it was related to anxiety. It was well before sz hit.