I a lot of times feel like nothing is real or like life is just a simulation. It feels like when you’re dreaming but you know you’re dreaming while it’s happening but there’s nothing you can do. It explains somethings to me. Why I have hallucinations: they are real but they’re glitches in the system. That’s why no one else can hear them. Why I don’t feel a lot of emotion: because nothing is real. I use to have plenty of emotion and would laugh and smile everyday. That feels like another life now.
I will agree that my life today seems as though I’m in an entirely new world than the one I grew up in. And not a better one. As for the sim thing, I try not to speak on those theories. Triggers me intensely. I find it likely (sometimes), but it’s pointless to dwell on it.
Sorry if I triggered you. Are you having trouble sleeping tonight?
It’s okay, it actually didn’t bother me this time thankfully. And yep, unfortunately /:
But that’s most nights.
Me too. I only got five hours of sleep last night and tonight less than two so far.
I’d be pretty frustrated lol
I am. But I have nightmares a lot anyway so sometimes I’d rather not sleep.
Like, but in a “me too” kind of way. /:
Except the “rather not” part. Most days I dread waking up, I’m grateful for sleep. Nightmares aside.
What does that mean? Sorry I just got confused. Oh never mind you added to it
I liked your post, but not in a “I like that you have nightmares” kind of way. In a “Yeah me too” kind of way lol
Oh okay that makes more sense. Sorry. I get easily confused sometimes.
When I’ve been acutely dissociative, I’ve felt this way before … sans hallucinations, unless feeling out-of-body counts.
No need to apologize, I’m pretty much always confused >___>
Because I believe I am in a brain study, I do think my environment and everyone, everything in it is ‘staged’. I think the people are real and even living their real lives but they are all pretending I am not part of this brain study when they all know I am. My meds help with psychosis (psychotic breaks) but this delusion persists that I am in a world wide brain study and the whole world knows about it. It leaves me feeling sort of dissociated from everything because I know it’s staged.
Physical existence is by definition what’s real. Simulation or not…
but I think you’d have to look at the true dimensionality and movements of energy to see that the universe can’t be reduced… it can’t be calculated by anything less complex than itself. That seems to strongly indicate to me that this is not the projection of something somewhere else.
That dissociation stems from the fact that your actual experience is a reconstruction in your head. It’s a really freaky reality to it… but all of your senses come together internally and are drawn up them and woven back together as what you actually sense.
You are certainly here. We are all certainly here. Dreams can be confusing when they’re too realistic… but we are indeed here. Whether we actually just exist in our minds.
You are dragging around a physical body. Something made out of atoms as old as the universe. It is considerably permanent. You can count on it being there unless something drastic happens.
I’d advise you look to the sky and the ground and the people you know each and every day. Find something that is consistent that really captures the sense of what living here is… and then remind yourself. I AM HERE. THIS IS REAL.
Because it certainly is.
It’s real to most every body out there and you are a part of it. We can interact with you. We can see that you are real. If nothing else trust that. Give us credence of knowing that our eye’s at least bare your respect.
I watched a lengthy debate on this subject…the creators of this simulation are crap designers…
See, now /this/ one made me chuckle.
Dreams are a simulation ur brain creates, so it’s plausible that life is a simulation a higher power creates.
I struggle often wondering whether or not I exist.
And if I do, is this all just a setup?
I live in my own personal reality that I know is not a part of the reality that the majority of people have. I know I see people in a strange way which I also is not how the majority of people see them. I’m in my own little withdrawn, cacoon world. If I faced reality then I would never leave my house. I’m in denial of the real nature of people.
But I have been lucky enough to stay employed for most of the last 33 years. Go figure.