I sometimes feel like the world is a simulation or like it is all made in my head like a dream,
it feels very weird and im not sure what it is, should i get it checked, does anyone else have a similar feeling?
Its disassociation. That is a symptom of schizophrenia. So… maybe. I don’t know enough.
Get a referral from your family doctor to see a psychiatrist about this. Your thoughts are not normal.
What other symptoms are you having? Sounds like dissociation. They might put you on meds…
I also sometimes hear a high pitched noise but its not like a its coming into my ears i am fully aware it is in my head and not outside.
I have similar delusions. Sometimes it feels like I am the only one plugged into the matrix in a way, because I have a special ability In the real world. It makes me have urges to be aggressive or violent towards others. What other symptoms do you have?
It feels like when i close my eyes it turns to nothing and then gets loaded back in.
I have been a devotee of the simulation theory and that may stem from that.
Weird…ive been down the road you’re going on. Stay away from conspiracy theories and go in nature. Relax. If it’s affecting your life, work, etc. Then get help. It could be schizophrenia or it could be just DP/DR, which is what started with me. First time I got help, I tried telling the psychiatrist I thought I was in the matrix, couldn’t tell if anything was real, and that I was from a parallel universe. I was prescribed Risperdal. Took a couple of years to get a formal diagnosis. I went down hill. Initially, I was just severely depressed.
I must also state that it does not happens on waves or episodes it happens randomly and goes away quite fast, i just expirienced it.
what do you mean by simulation
like we’re in an alternate reality that’s already got predestined events? is that what u mean or what
Its more like nothing is real and im watching a film, like a lucid dream kind of
Like Patrick said, get help.
What do you think it could be
I feel that everything is a dream… Doesn’t bother me
I would get it checked out by a psychiatrist. Only they can tell you.
I feel that too and when I’m in a crowd I feel they are all actors and it is a stage; I feel the need to trespass and see if the buildings are real or only carton props with no furniture inside.
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