This cymbalta is making me sweat

I wake up in a pool of sweat every time i end up sleeping. And later on in the night im just dripping from every pore i have. I dont even feel hot. Crazyness. I gotta stop this pill

Yeah I was on cymbalta and withdrawals are even worse, be ready for some nightime nightmares, real scary

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If your pdoc is ok with you taking something else, ask if he can very slowly wean you off the cymbals so you can avoid withdrawal symptoms

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Is the withdrawls that bad?

I wonder if the sweating is the medication wearing off at night. Because its only at night and late in the evening it starts

It could also be lymphoma. I had a dream where i handed a file to someone and written on it was lymphoma. I only realised through recollecting the dream later in the day thats what the file said. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Looked it up too. One of the symptoms is sweating for no reason. Could also be thyroid. As it runs in the family.

I sweat a lot and I am on Risperidone. Maybe its because I am fat.

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I guess it could be the resp. Im on it too. Im on 6mg now which before i was always on 4. But i get symptoms on 4 so. But i dunno its starting at night is the only answer because i was fine all day and i havent even took the evening meds yet

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I was on 6mg a few months ago, now on 5mg. I get symptoms at 4mg.

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