Thinking of moving to Bend, Oregon with my sister

Bend is a city of 100,000 people nestled near the mountains. The cost of living is lower than in California, gas is $4.50 a gallon compared to over $5.00 here. Groceries average about $340 a month for a single person. It’s beautiful up there, with mountains, lakes and forests. It has 250 sunny days a year, it’s classified as “high desert”. If my sister let me stay with her rent free I could afford living there with just my SSDI. My sister and her boyfriend already bought their house up there, they are planning on retiring and moving up there within a year. I figure I would work for another year too and save some money and then move up there, I already checked out some psychiatric hospitals, clinics and psychiatrists.


I bet your sister will drive you around the Bend! :wink:


Sounds good :slight_smile: 15

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That sounds awesome @77nick77. I hope it works out.

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I hope everything goes well for you Nick.

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That sounds like a good plan @77nick77 Have you discussed this with your sister and her boyfriend?


Yes, we talked about it. She asked me if I wanted to move there so I would be close to family. When I suggested I live in her new house she didn’t shoot down the idea, she just laughed.

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This is a no-brainer, go for it @77nick77.

That was On Point. Your sense of humour has returned. :heart:


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