Think I am going to go on nights for a while

I do this when stressed and really seems to help


I am not sure what this will achieve.

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I get stressed out during the days but the quiet dark hours are much better. I appreciate it is an avoidance behaviour but it really helps


It does sound unusual. Normally it is the other way around with SAD. I would talk to your pdoc about it. It sounds like you have been under a lot of stress lately.


My pdoc just told me that staying up all night and sleeping all day is terrible for mental health, but when I was younger I found it to be relaxing. I’m thinking about taking a job on nights.

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From what I have read it changes from person to person. Some people are ‘night owls’ and naturally function better at nights. It all depends on the individual

I like the nights better but I still need to sleep by the early am.
I tried a third shift job once and I basically went nuts from no sleep.

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My son is on nights and he loves it

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