Are you most alive at night?

I’m not just talking insomnia. Do you feel like the night is where you belong? My last job which I left in feb 2016 was an overnight job. I just felt like that was where I was meant to be. I lost the job due to a 201 brought about by instability regarding my wife walking out on me 9 months earlier, but God do I wish I was still there. Honestly, I’m on a waiting list with Vocational Rehabilitation and if they offer to work with a regular employer in the area (I’m only interested in job placement) I would like to go back to that store where I worked. There was really no feeling like walking out of work while the sun was still young in the sky and going home to let the light caress me to sleep. And then waking up just as the sun went down.
Anyone else like this? :kissing_heart:

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I am also I think the AP side effects have mostly wore off from the night before. And late night is usually low stress


Im definatley most alive at night. Im usually in bed by 4pm and get up about 2.30am every night. Its usually the time i go late night shopping at the 24hour store and do my housework. I dunno - i feel “safer” at night and i like the quiet - plus theres no people about to start messing with my paranoia. Im a night owl. The last nursing jobs i did when i last worked were always night shifts.

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Yes I agree I feel safer too, I like going for long drives and also like shopping well after midnight too


I like both the night and the day. In the middle of the night there are less people around and it is calming and peaceful but I need to be awake during the day sometimes.

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