They had to put our dog down today

Technically not my dog anymore but had him for years when I was living with my parents. My dad tried calling me a few times but I was at work and couldn’t answer. My husband texted me and I looked at it when I had the chance. He said my little brother called and told him they had to put Savu down. Called my dad on lunch break and he said he was calling to see if I wanted to pet him one last time before he was put down. I wish I had said ■■■■ it and answered.

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Sorry @NeoPolitan02 . Very difficult to lose a dog.


I’m so sorry. Losing a doggie is so hard, especially when it comes unexpected.


i am so sorry you lost your dog but most of all that you couldnt say good buy
my dog has lymphoma and i lost one last month so i feel ya
best wishes to you

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I am so sorry. How awful. I don’t know what to say to help comfort you. I’m just really sad for you. My dog is 12 so I worry about this. Luckily he’s in perfect health right now. I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye.

I have an idea. What about writing about your dog telling others all about him the way you would at a funeral. You can post it here or share with family or both. It would be really special

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Sorry to hear this. Losing a dog is very painful. I’ve seen 3 go in life and cried for months.

Take good care

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