Our dog just died

rip, Buddy. You were good to us.


Rip doggo. :cry:

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I’m sorry @PinCushion

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So sad :broken_heart: ((hugs))

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So sorry @PinCushion.

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I’m sorry to hear that hope you will one day be reunited

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Oh I’m so sorry! That’s so sad! I wish I could keep my dog forever but I know one day he’ll pass on. I can only imagine how heart broken you must be.

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sorry about your dog chordy x

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Condolences @PinCushion.

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Sorry for your loss

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I’m sorry. Hugs.

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I’m sorry @PinCushion, forever in your heart

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Man, I surely am taking his death harder than I ever figured I would. We knew he was dying so it was no surprise. But it’s going to be on my mind for awhile.


I’m sorry for your loss, @PinCushion.

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Rip buddy💕

Such a loss can be devastating.

Good wishes to you.

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@PinCushion sorry to hear your puppy died. My condolences to you.

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So sorry. Dogs have a special place in heaven.


@PinCushion, I’m so sorry. Big hugs to you.


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