They are trying

They are trying to get me to admit in slamming cabinet doors. But it wasn’t me, I was asleep by 11:30 they said if I don’t admit to it then I have to help rearrange our whole kitchen

If you didn’t do it, then you didn’t do it. Never admit to sonething you didn’t do. Never apologize for something that you didn’t do. Your punishment will be “having” to rearrange the kitchen? Are they going to somehow make you do this? It’s not like they can carry you. You’re a grown ass woman. Like honestly just refuse. They’re being ridiculous.

It sounds to me like they wanted someone to help them rearrange the kitchen, so they made up the story about the cabinets. Like, it doesn’t make any sense. The cabinet slamming would have to have been loud or else they wouldn’t have woken up to it. Then, when they went to see what was going on, they would’ve seen the perpetrator. This is what annoys me about your in laws. Why didn’t they just ask you for help?


Yeah. It’s not like you won’t help them. If they kick you out they kick you out. You can go to a shelter. Ain’t no shame in it.

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