So I was just asking the kitchen for a Coke cos the vending machine wasn’t working…, and then whilst I was asking I noticed a guy look at me to check whose talking.
I briefly glimpsed at him cos I was shy.
And I got a nice vibe feeling n he seemed cute too thou the glance was extremely brief
In 2 weeks time I’m considering to approach him cos dats wen I lost a bit of weight.
Well idk if I can think of a reason to approach him.
It´s hard for me beeing in the game when I think I´m overweight or I don´t like my body. Even if a girl approaches me I would avoid her. It´s something related to beeing confortable naked.
What you perceive might be true, but you’ve seemed unstable in the relationship area to be honest. I think you should see your pdoc and tell him about your fixations to see if you need med changes before you start flirting with anyone.
You’re allowed to change your mind… it’s just annoying cause you do it all the time on here. Ooohhh I wanna lose weight, oh wait no I want a coke. Oooohh im asexual now guys! Oh wait no I had sex with a guy and enjoyed it.
Yes i know, im not expecting anyone to be perfect. Cause I know im not perfect. I just get annoyed with certain peoples patterns of posting. @Montezuma