I think I’m ready. I enjoy being there most of the time. It allows me to get my ideas out to someone without judgment.
I’m happy for you that you are ready to reach out to someone. It helps me sometimes to write down a list of thing s I want to talk about with the therapist, because I can get nervous and forget everything.
Thank you! I’m grabbing my book now and bringing with me tomorrow. I’ve been with the same clinic for a few years, but my current therapist is wonderful to speak with for long periods of time.
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought this was your first appointment.
No. No. I’m there often. I just don’t listen when they offer the medication,.
I understand. I went six or seven years without medication, after a few bad experiences. When I was ready to try again, though, I ended up finding one that worked phenomenally for me.
That’s great news. Wow. Wonderful stuff there.
Glad it’s going well for you! j have it tomorrow as well but I am really considering changing therapists…the one I have now is too high strung meaning she gets freaked out by the stuff I say and has often been two steps away from having me hospitalized. So I feel I can’t really be open and honest with her which is not good for me.
Anna, you need someone who specializes in psychosis. You will not freak out someone who specializes in psychosis.
Might be hard to find though.
Yes I looked for quite a while and could not find any in my area
Who I am seeing now said she has had experience but I’m not so sure of that
That’s why I hate seeing therapists they always get freaked out when I tell them things. They like " woew" and they constantly going * sho* I hate therapists. They a waste of money in my eyes. My doc is all I need.
Maybe I just never found the right therapist specialising in SZ. infact not many do ive noticed.
The last person I saw was good, she was a psychiatric nurse practitioner who during the days worked at an inpatient ward at a hospital. So she’d seen it all and nothing I said phased her.
I’d highly recomend a psychiatrist that does therapy too and will see you for a hour. I’ve been going to guys like that for years and the one time I split the therapist and medication job between two people it was horrible and they put me in the hospital by telling my mom to commit me