Therapist pissed me off today

She said I don’t “stand up for myself enough”. No I just DGAF. There’s no reason to stand up for myself intensively to an exaggerated point and make a fuss over everything. I feel it’s part of having a psychotic illness. At least my illness, I really DGAF. I’m content. I’m happy. There’s no need to fight, besides fighting for my health. I don’t have time to bicker with strangers who are rude. They can be rude all they want…it still doesn’t change the fact that I go home each night and am happy. After all i’ve been through. And I don’t stand up for myself enough? Really irked me. What do you think…

Life isn’t important enough to get into fights about it. Stupid normies…


That’s called transference

I think i need to take a page from you snd not gaf. Your therapist sounds like an idiot.

I’m sorry your Therapist ticked you off…

I went through that… It took me some time to realize that standing up for myself doesn’t mean I need to fight…

I stood up to my Doc when he wanted to fully switch me on to Geoden from my Latuda.

I did have to stand up for myself… I told him politely that I didn’t want to be on Geoden and I like how Latuda works for me. Geoden didn’t work for me at all and I almost relapsed.

I was so amazed when he took my wants into consideration. I’ve been speaking up for myself a bit more with my doc.

Good luck and I hope things work out for the best.


Did you stand up for youself when she said that you don’t stand up for youself? or just sit there and take it?

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I swear to you, its really difficult to find a good therapist that has a clear understanding of these severe mental illnesses.
If your therapist had a good understanding of what it means to live with schizophrenia, she would not be making a statement like this to you.

My therapist mainly deals with neurotic patients dealing with a lot of mildly depressed and anxious - stressed out business people.
Sometimes I get the feeling that my therapist has a difficult time with me - she has limited experience dealing with my bipolar type 1 and schiz symptoms like chronic paranoia.

Its hard to find experienced qualified therapists on my insurance plan - so for now I am dealing with her

I saw some therapists before and they pissed me off because like they think they can get into my head and they really don’t know anything about what goes on in my mind.

I don’t like mine that much. I think she’s angry with me, but I don’t know why.

I told her “I think its impossible for someone with a psychotic illness to stand up for themselves like that”…and she asked me why and I said “Because life doesn’t seem real…nothing matters…ive been through enough theres no point in dwelling…i can barely even think straight in social situations”…Ya i stood up for myself. I think I do, but not as much as normies do because frankly I dont care that much. But I kind of snapped and got pissed at her which isn’t completely unusual for me to do. I’m a moon sign scorpio so I have that tenacity about me at times…she gave an example of one of her other patients standing up for herself and I thought it was ridiculous “I would never stand up for myself in such a situation like that” I Thought. Because it seemed pointless. Idk…I stood up for myself with her…but usually its not worth it.

I had a therapist tell me once that I need to stand up to my inlaws. If I do I get kicked out. It’s happened before with them. I’ve stood up to them and my partner’s father threatened to punch me.

Maybe she was encouraging you to trust her more. You did**emphasized text seem to stand up to her in that situation where you were"provoked." We don’t want to make doormats of ourselves. You were defending something not worth defending in my opinion. We don’t want to be constantly explaining ourselves. There are limits to what normies can understand. A therapist ought to be understanding. We need to listen more. Is “standing up for oneself” a cliche?