The ultimate delusion of grandeur

I have dreams I realized I’m God. I had this delusion as a boy. My voices say I’m “God realized”. I’m sorry if this needs to be flagged, it’s a serious problem I needed to mention. . I’m thinking I’ll be wrong in denying it and that everyone is God deep inside. It is a common belief in mysticism.

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I had delusions I escaped the sim/matrix and ran some of it and met the aliens and also that I created the universe by travelling back in time, but it’s not true and not real haha.

I guess I learned today that If I’m stuck on the same timeline then it’s gotta be AI or the singularity and there is no other me from this timeline or parallel time line like a time travel paradox I suppose.

Yes, these are all delusions of grandeur! I have crazy dreams I guess it’s a schizophrenia thing I’ve been told.

I’ve never thought I was God, but I have had delusions that I am the Jewish messiah.

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Yea I’ve heard people say we are all god… Even Buddhist person. Anyways…I’m starting to realize that this idea that all these people are after me has made me believe that every little thing I do means so much because it means enough to them to constantly try to destroy (if good) and encourage if bad. This gives me the subconscious belief that I’m really important. But I realized that if these people need to stalk and abuse me it’s just that I’m big in their minds because they’ve made me into this huge thing but I realized without them Im actually small and normal lol

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I hear voices that God is talking to me on the radio, saying I have to sacrifice myself to save the world, then it becomes intrusive thoughts and I’m listening to the radio 13 hours a day, everyday, trying to hear him again.

One consciousness

I believe to be what I want to be, who cares ?


Screenshot from 2024-03-31 20-06-26

Truth → I place my hand in fire it burnt.

Knowledge → I gained knowledge because I placed my hand in fire it burnt, which became true.

Belief → Ancestors have informed me if I place my hand in fire it will burn.

But due to Sz:

I am the sole truth
I am having all the knowledge
I am having the most belief

This happens due to the rewarding chemical in my brain.

I will simulate a robot to act in a schizo way.

If I do the right thing I can charge my battery to 1% is my reward.
But due to error in the code, I am charging my battery continuously.
So the meaning of reward is lost.
Hence, whatever the robot does its correct, as its be rewarded.

This does not appear to be a discussion taking place in a recovery context.


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