The Terrifying Impact of Marijuana On Your Brain Is Something People Never Talk About

Marijuana legalization is on the rise. While marijuana does have medicinal benefits and could potentially boost the economy, it’s important to know that there are negative side effects to the drug. Specifically, marijuana can have significant effects on the brain. Here’s what you need to know before you decide whether or not to smoke the drug or consume weed-laced products.


I got it from weed…

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sigh… is there anything else interesting you would like to post that isn’t anti marijuana? Don’t get me wrong, I know it can be bad for the majority of people with sz. But like, really dude? This is the third article I’ve seen you post about this in basically a month.

Seems like more of an anti weed forum then a recovery forum sometimes. IMO.

I think pot is legal in some states.


Come on!

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I’ll only add that it can’t be “something people never talk about” because we seem to be talking about it all the effing time.

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when I was growing up marijuana was talked about being a “gateway drug” but relatively harmless, just something might lead you down the path to harder substances.

personally it shaped my view somewhat. I smoked quite a bit but made sure I never tried anything else. nobody ever told me it could cause sz until I came here…just saying

I’m with ya @SzAdmin. I smoked weed over a year ago. I was high for a week straight. I’ve never had a gay thought until then. It scared the heck out of me. I will never smoke weed again.


I just pull out news that is related to schizophrenia - lately lots of it has been related to marijuana. I actually don’t have any issues with Marijuana and many people I know use it. I just want people to be aware of the news and science around it.


Last time I smoked marijuana I heard demons from the radio.