How can I overcome voices which have complete control over my life. They are constantly negative, critical and hostile. How do I ignore them. How do I get my life back. The reason I cant ignore them is I feel I will betray God if I do. But my life is a mess and I do nothing because of it.
um ok… who is this god you are talking about? I think you might need a higher dose of medication or something because what you just said is rubish… you will not betray anyone if you ignore them trust me
Im with revv, if you are not on meds then you prolly should be.What you posted makes no sense whatsoever…seriously. …I believe in God but he has nothing to do with how I cope with my mental disorder only a professional and medication can do that.If somebody is telling you not to take meds that you need because some religious belief THAT IS WRONG and detrimental not only to your health but the well being of society as a whole…its obvious your already delusional what if you hurt yourself or somebody else?
Have you tried CBT yet? It sounds like the type of thing you’d work on in therapy!
I’ve never really talked about my religious experiences, but did get a chaplain to visit me in hospital!
You know Jason Vorhees might have been a fairly personable dude if he didn’t go around doing what the voices told him to do.