How to stop feeling guilty about

When I become psychotic I feel like I have to listen to the voices or else I will not know the instructions to avoid hell wen I die. To me, that could also be symbolic for hell on earth.

But ppl on here say we should ignore our voices. Because you feed into the illness.

But another part of me says the voices are vital messengers that should not be ignored whilst I’m waiting for the medication to kick in. And if I don’t listen to them, the voices will just come back again to finish their job of bearing a message another time instead of settling away if I listen.

IDK what to do, listen or not listen. I’m torn.

The voices are laypeople. They are spiritually high but you’ll be lost without scripture.

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What do you mean by laypeople?

And so do you think I should listen to them?

Laypeople as in average.

Don’t stake your confidence in them, but listen if you want.

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So much of what the voices say are not true, especially if it is about things like you, where they talk about the afterlife. They just feed on what you are paranoid about and say your assumptions. I dont think it is worth listening to them, they are not worth it.

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