So do you try and slay the dragon?
I slay the girl and save the dragon, because I’m an archer with bad aim
That depends…how big is the dragon? Does he breathe fire? This is a risk vs. reward situation here.
lol. J/k. Just messing around.
I will smooch the dragon and the girl will get jealous
Lol that made me lol out loud
If you were referring to the nicest most handsome man, I’d still have to decline.
Not gonna risk my life like that.
I slay the girl and save the dragon because I got bad eyesight.
I would slay both of them bc Skunks know better. The girl is with the dragon for a reason and she can leave at anytime.
Too many D & D friends in my world
It all depends. Does she have nice knockers?
the dragon?1515
Given my track record IRL I would run like hell in the opposite direction. This is my life story and how I lost out on I won’t say soulmate again, he was the one who got away though. It has more to do with the fear of falling in love than the dragon though. He had a great dragon though!!
Eh it depends. How are the gal’s toes?
More like how’s the dragons toes
I throw a bait to the dragon at the bottom of the ravine so that he goes to look for it. (as a dragon is very stupid it will work ! )
Then I save the princess.
first prince here !
I would save the girl with cunning
I would run the other way!
No lol who needs a woman? She can save herself.
Yes then I’d wake up and eat more cheese and go back to sleep