Where's pob?

If you are out there @pob give a shout out ! I’m worried about you !


I was missing her today, too. Check in, @pob!


I’ve been fighting a dragon with nothing but a table fork. means moving 2wice

Where I am now has not bad food.

Follownig their meat + 2 veggies has me losing. I looked at a recent photo of myself —My upper arms are huge - the part I alwasy see they are pretty-much almost boney.

Sorry - tmi -

I have in mind starting w/my guitar. Long ago I learned a bit.

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Does mean you’re good or bad?

Things have been bad for me but it’s my own dragon.No one can drag me away.

I hope thing improve for you.

Glad to here you are ok. Apparently you’re trying to lose weight?

You scared me @pob I thought you might have died or something…glad you’re o k. don’t be a stranger…I’m getting my guitar back this friday and I can’t wait to start working on my callouses again. anyways, please post more ?

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hi pob :slight_smile:

hang in there, and keep eating those meat and two veg, keep your strength up

whats the song btw?