The pdoc said it’s highly likely I have autism

I’m just gonna go with that even if I don’t get tested.

I called my gp to see where they have sent the autism referral and they gave me a number for my mental health team who don’t deal with these referrals. The gp asked me to stop calling her regarding this because she insists she sent the referral. I’ll give it a year before chasing it but my pdoc has high confidence I have this so I’ll just go with it.


Ask your gp for a copy of the visit summary that says to whom she referred you. Then contact them.


Normally referrals have a lettered copy sent to you as well.

Idk what this gp is on about, shady. At the end of the day. Even drs are people liable to malpractice or at least mistake

Sorry if im being negative or doubtful, but otherwisd youll definitely be confused and not good for pur health as sz’s.


Sometimes i wonder wether i have autism too. Hard to know since ive had sza for most of my life and a lot of symptoms overlap or look similar. It wouldnt surprise me at all if i was on the spectrum somewhere.


The receptionist is getting annoyed with me. All I can do is wait to move and then move surgeries and ask them to refer me again. I’m fed up with the situation.

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I can understand that. I hope your next dr’s office staff is better.


I finally found where the referral has been sent. They said they don’t have any psychologists on their team to do the assessment but will be processed soon. All I wanted the receptionist to do was to tell me where she sent the referral. Instead I had to phone around to find out where it might be.


Good on you for being persistent and finding out. This is your health. That front desk lady can kick rocks.


You did the right think being so proactive. Good job.

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