Decided to go private in the end because I don’t know what my GP is doing. I’ve literally waited 3 years and the local team they referred me to said look elsewhere and talk to your gp., £900 for an assessment. 73 questions I just answered on paper. My partner is going to answer from his side too.
And people complain about the cost of insurance.
I am in the wrong industry.
Well I looked at Harley Street, and it cost in the region of £5000. The place I am going also accepts NHS referrals but the wait is long. At least I know its accepted by NHS.
Its not just a paper assessment, I will be seeing someone as well.
I hope it goes well and that you get the answers you need.
Good luck. My therapist (who was a psychologist) diagnosed me with autism without a formal evaluation, but I wanted a real assessment so I went to another psychologist for that. It was a few thousand dollars but I wanted to get it done.
Good luck with your assessment.
Good luck with it!
I hope you get some answers and help
Well I’m not paying thousands of dollars for an autism assessment when I know I don’t have it.
Honestly I was initially worried I will spend thousands and get a negative but now I feel if it’s negative for autism at least that’s ruled out. My mental health team seems to think I have it.
My assessment was about the same amount, and it was worth it.
With you guys it’s definitely worth it because it was highly likely that you were positive for autism. That’s not the case with me. Nobody on my care team is saying I need an assessment.
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