The Most Interesting Thing About the Mind

By far the most interesting thing I’ve ever discovered about the mind in my research is that what seems to be happening is not happening. I think sz’s can relate with this one very closely…perhaps more so than the “normies.”

Solipsism is the point of view that we know there is mind information, but we don’t know beyond proof what it emanates from or what it means because the only proof that we can encounter is more mind information. The mind is the only thing between us and reality.

On the other hand the people of the ancient religio culto beliefs will say something very similar. They say there is no proof that what they believe is not real, so they must continue to believe and practice it which usually involves some kind of mind melding with beings that are invisible, visible, or other people. This I can prove is not real, however I used to believe this myself.

Most who get into mind go the route of psychology. I have deviated, and I’ve gone the way first by informationology which is the study of information as a phenomenon itself. Rather than study the brain I’ve studied the mind which is information.

And in the study of informationology, mindology, and paradigmology I find that what is usually considered to be happening to people and with people generally isn’t despite it being things that are ardently fought about.

When you find what is a value, what is information, then you suddenly can see how unsubstantial the world of worry and often torment really was all of those years. I know because I lived all of my life over estimating the value of all of the society things and the wild religio culto beliefs, and now I don’t.

I have to say there is a transition period from being several decades into beliefs that form the paradigm to forming a new paradigm based on information that contradicts those beliefs. Neurology is morphological, and it morphs with the impression of information on it. After this morphing occurs, then it processes information via that new neural structure. The new structure renders new graphical information in the mind.


The mind uses language and visual images to reason based on input from the senses. When senses are corrupted (hallucinations) we will start swerving from the normal behaviour. Reality is what lies beyond our perception. Individuals communicate in order to agree upon a shared perception of reality. But often discrepancies occur. Which goes to show nobody truly knows 100% what is real and what is not.


And thereby the masses have been tricked and taunted by each other running each other in every way creating the worst news of any day which is “history.” Wretched bog of predicates.

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I’ve come to see that mind is not matter.


Did you used to think it was material?

I use to think of it as infinite and consequential the way that objective things around me against my body are consequential which was hilarious compared to how I am thinking of it now. Those “objective things in my mind” are just subjective information now, and they just “fly through and disappear” so to speak. Hehe. I feel lucky to be a part of the mind exploration I’ve gone through and documented thoroughly. Going to publish some literature and video production series.

That it is more complicated and more powerful than we know. I wish sz didn’t exist or psychosis. You’d think the mind and brain could heal itself or be resistant. I wish we had the tech to heal stroke victims and dementia patients.

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I believe there is both a physical and spiritual reality made known to the psyche.

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