The men who follow me and record me have more time on their hands to do it even more now. This really bothers and scares me. When will they ever leave me alone?
Oh it’s just a delusion @LilyoftheValley.
I wish that you’d come to realize this.
But I’ve talked to them. That’s how I know it’s real.
your illness is injecting memories of what you think about you talking to them I think also that you are delusional…it hasn’t gone away…maybe discuss this with your pdoc and find out what they think.
Sz can inject memories?
it can make you think you did something when you didn’t…your mind is lying to you…there are no men following you…you are nobody…nobody wants you for anything…
I have the same delusion @LilyoftheValley! I don’t want to trigger you by talking about it but you are not alone.
How do you deal with it @anon97859349?
@LilyoftheValley Vraylar works great for my voices. This delusion is still a problem. My psychiatrist tells me to focus on my reality. I am a very busy mom of three and taking care of my aging father keeps me busy. I try to stay busy. Keep a journal for your thoughts. Writing about it helps so does this website for peer support.
Ok. Thanks. I’ll try.
Sorry you are going through this @LilyoftheValley. It must be a scary experience. Talk to your pdoc about this.
I have talked to my pdoc. We keep trying new meds and higher doses. I’m not convinced it’s sz because meds don’t take it away.
But thanks for caring @see121
How do the men record you
They have cameras in my house, and they’ve tapped my phone and computer.
I don’t believe women can do that to me.
What do you mean @Jake? Never mind. I saw your edit
I don’t believe women have cameras, and I don’t believe women or men have tapped my phone or my computer.
You’re lucky no one is recording you
I don’t believe people are watching you with cameras in your house, and I don’t believe people are tapping you phone or computer.