Every time my phone acts up, I get suspicious too. I think that it is hexed or hacked. That’s not real though. You are helping me see that right now @LilyoftheValley! This is helping me and I hope you will relax knowing that others on this site have similar delusions. We have to tell ourselves that the bad thoughts are not real. It’s so cliche but try to think happy thoughts.
I’m glad you’re feeling better I’m trying to doubt myself but failing miserably
Have you thought this way before?
I have soldiers after me because I thought I was an agent and let other people think I was an agent. So the men started following me for information. They haven’t stopped. I’m not worried about aliens, and I’m Sorry you had that experience whether real or just in your mind. It would freak me out.
I’ve thought this way since 2008 when they started following me.
Did you figure out these delusions were not true before?
No. I’ve always thought they were true
Yeah it’s a delusion/hallucinations
You’d probably not believe my delusions like I wouldn’t believe yours though.
Delusions can be strong and intense, real like, but they are really just caused via your illness nothing more nothing less.
So why are you worse off now than you usually are?
I always get the feeling that I’m being followed @LilyoftheValley.
But its not so much being followed, but more so just being watched.
I believe, the ‘following’ aspect arises when you do erratic and weird behaviour which in turn may cause some individuals to ‘taunt’ you. This may lead to them following you etc and this may be where it stems from.
It’s hard to get rid of and I struggle with it on a daily basis.
Its gonna be really hard for us with this new age of technology, its gonna seem that people are ‘following’ your social media accounts. (This is is just bizarre to compare and talk about).
Anyway, try to get some rest, take an anti anxiety med or some valerian to calm you down.
Good luck.
The men have more time to watch me and it’s making me feel extra paranoid
Well, I’m with the truth now and I think you are delusional.
You have no proof. 100% delusion. Maybe you have a fantasy or something or said the wrong thing at one time? I don’t know. But it’s not real.
I used to think that God is watching me because I can do miracles. I ended up trying to kill myself with Tylenol overdose to proof to God that I am not immortal and not special with miracles power.
I ended up vomitting in the emergency room, dr said I was close to need a new liver. Psychiatrist accused me of suicide attempt like if I was a criminal. I don’t even know if suicide is a crime, I know its a crime and forbidden in all religions.
The memories were hallucinations. They weren’t real.
I think trained agents know the difference between a real spy and a sham. And they have better ways to spend their resources than taping random people’s phones and pc-s.
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