Doesn’t have to keep going.
Just keeps hitting himself in the face with a hammer.
And takes his children for the ride so they can get pelted as well.
Nice going man.
Doesn’t have to keep going.
Just keeps hitting himself in the face with a hammer.
And takes his children for the ride so they can get pelted as well.
Nice going man.
Grow up pan, you’re not going to dwell in this all day without people cosmically smacking you into what exists and what’s beautiful. You do not embody the illness of a god, and just because you don’t understand what is going on doesn’t mean it’s no good…I fricking show you now I will ass you out sir:
Listen to the end professions of the singer and tell me this won’t motivate you a bit…
never again you are so awesome! i hope there are more in the world like you.
I am one of many and I agree this stuff is one big mind game…but don’t give up Pan.
The human being is the most magnificent of all products of evolution. We own the future. Sorry pans your life is so dismal. Most people are stupid and happy. That’s all you gotta be.
The most magnificent of all products of evolution?!
That is obviously erroneous.
Dolphin? stegasaurus? great whale? sea tortoise? red wood tree?
It’s very debateable is all im sayin.
What are you basing your statement on anyway? What makes the human being the most magnificent?
When did I ever say we’re the best? You’re right in many ways we’re an ugly mess crawling across the earth in some ways yet I won’t shut down over it. I still believe that da vinci should cheer you up when it comes to places like venice and his mind, it is clear he had some great talent…
It’s our minds.
Imagine if our minds were linked, in some sort of fashion…we’d be a slave super computer…
Hah, yeah when I was a little more delusional I thought about that. Individuality is built in to the collective conscious. You only think they are your thoughts, but the originate from the collective. Its bs though. Nobody’s telepathic. If there was a collective maybe people would come together throw the need for money and everyone would pull their weight. Like ants. It might make for a better world. Alas we are all just ourselves separate from the rest.
Not according to the NSA files you posted on here, mate.
He gets at me too day to day, thinks I’m a (funny guy)…Old R Lee Ermy…which I named my biggest scrapping cat after…
never aain that would be a world without boundries mind pluged into the collective unconscious scares me a lot LOL
You get used to the idea of it. Once you let reprogram you. I don’t believe in telepathy but I did for long enough to be reprogrammed. No fear in the face of people only rational appropriate thoughts. As you forgive yourself for being unclean and commit to a new self you forget your slowly forget your old ways and then suddenly you’re ready for anything. And they’re not even telepathic.