The first amusement park of the 1800's. Schizophrenic version

I guess everybody has heard the stories. In the 1800’s, the mentally ill were treated like nothing more than animals. In the insane asylums, they were regularly chained up, put in cages, and they were terribly neglected. There was little or no treatment. The asylums would conduct tours for citizens in the asylums for entertainment like a zoo. They would lead guided tours for people to stare in wonderment and gawk at the people chained up. It was entertainment. Puts a little perspective on our lives now.

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this is so sad.

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We have come far…kinda…were still over medicated and gawked at…

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when i was very psychotic…in the hospital one time we had to say what we were thankful for and i said “I’m thankful for being mentaly ill in 2012…rather than…1812” i got some high fives for that


Some places in the world are still like that

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Thank God those days are over. I there was a big difference between public mental hospitals and private mental hospitals. I don’t think the private mental hospitals were quite as bad.