Sit here wondering how I got here so fast, Physical health is pretty bad and add mental health to the problem, the end of my work career is pretty close.
I will go as long as I can, but it is not looking good. Hip really starting to stop me, the arthritis is getting much worse, and there is nor cure or plan B.
Some days you wish you could go back and start over other days it’s, I have put in my time
Hey mate. Hang in there. You can improve physical health immediately. Do some exercise and don’t sit down all the time. You start small and move from there.
Work is a big issue so get on the bus whilst you can. If you can claim disability then investigate those options…it may not be much money but meds could be cheaper. It’s worthwhile thinking of retirement!
I know it’s hard but plan B needs to be a reality! You can do it!
No the hip it getting so hard to walk with or sit now, and i get too much exercise at work now for someone in my condition. Knees hurt all the time, have a hernia and three torn tendons in my right arm.
I was hoping to make it to 65 but doubt my body will allow it
If you have sz, there’s no reason why a psychiatrist can’t sign you off work and you get benefits before 65yo. But I’m in the US. 2am as I write. Good luck to you.
You’re health is more valuable than a job isn’t it? You didn’t mention if you’re getting SSDI already or SSI or Medicare but it seems that quitting your job and taking care of your health might be best. Your job is probably aggravating your physical problems and might make them a lot, lot worse. It might be good to get out before the body goes completely. But I understand that working not only puts food on the table and has many other benefits too and leaving would be a huge deal.