Is it common in English restaurants and cafes to pay by credit/debit card?
I usually pay cash…
It is more common in restaurants than cafes. Although I have a credit and debit card I have only ever used them online or over the phone to a charity.
I am actually more than a little phobic about those credit/debit card machines and also those self service facilities in libraries and supermarkets etc.
I get really anxious about not doing it right and holding people up if there is a queue and making a fool of myself.
I get a bit anxious too, especially at cash machines because thiefs can clone your card and not only… but sometimes using your card in a public setting is unavoidable…
Do you like Demi Moore?
Which one is you favorite between her and Monica Belluci and Sophie Marceau? (The other day I sent you a photo of the latter two)
Is she a wife of auston kuccher… !!!
Google says she had three husbands, the latest being indeed Ashton Kutcher, but they separated in 2013.
Once she visited nepal …dont know for what cause…?? May be female issues or empowerment. …
Hi Far Cry, Do you listen to Justin Bieber in Kathmandu?
They are all quite attractive but I prefer the other two .
My order of preference is:
1 Sophie
2 Monica
3 Demi
What is favorite actress? And why?
I like him…sorry is my personal fav… i like usher. Lil Wayne. Drake…avril.shakira…beyonce…eve…whizkhalifa and snoop dog …etc …what are ur fav singer…
I don’t know enough about them to have a favourite. Physically I like Sophie Marceau best .
I am glad we have some common affinities.
Actually I wanted to know who your fav actress is, in general, not only among those 3.
I don’t have a favourite just some actors/actresses I like better than others. I think if I was more knowledgeable about their personalities there’d be more chance of me choosing a favourite or favourites. It’s hard to judge from what you see on the screen as they are playing a role and it’s not the real them.
Yes, if you look at their personal lives, many actors will make you wanna puke. Drug addicts, alcoholics, adulterers etc.
I admire Keanu Reeves both on and off screen. Do you know him? Awesome guy.
My fav actress used to be Winona Ryder, until I found out she was arrested for shoplifting in 2001. But I hear she has been battling depression and anxiety for some years.
I also had an infatuation with Kirsten Dunst which lasted about a year.
Since then, no female favorite for me.
All I really know of Keanu Reeves is ‘Speed’ which was an above average but not classic film.
Yes, other iconic movies starring Keanu are: the Matrix trilogy, Sweet November, Constantine, The Devil’s Advocate.
Strictly from their acting career point of view, which are your favorite actors? Male or female…
You are asking me some difficult questions re movie stars which I feel unable to answer. I tend to like a film or not rather than consider who is in it.
My brother is much more the film buff than me.
Don’t worry. I am simply asking you questions that a friend candidate will likely ask you in the future. Be sure to have an answer handy, to avoid an embarrassing moment. You can be straightforward and say “I focus on the movie plot and music soundtrack, not on actor’s performance”.
It’s a valid answer. But avoid saying “it’s a hard question” cause people will raise an eyebrow in disbelief
My 2 cents.
Again, don’t worry, that’s why I am here, to support you in your quest for a more rewarding social presence.
It’s been a while since you asked me questions
What did you want to be when you were growing up ? Astronaut? train driver ? Explorer? Rock musician? etc
I never really thought of such a thing when I was younger . Although now if I had been confident, and well, I would have liked to be a socialist politician.
Others join in too if you want.
Good question.
First I wanted to become an archeologist. As a little child I used to dig holes in our garden, and find broken pottery, unusual stones, sometimes a piece of metal. It sparked my imagination.
Then I wanted to become a playwright or poet. I even wrote some rhymes and a short comic play, but they weren’t met with much enthusiasm, so I soon forgot about it.
In my teens I was very proficient in science classes. Actually only physics, not chemistry. I set out to become a physicist.
But in the end, reason prevailed when I realized I wouldn’t have a bright career because of my country being poor and not a good environment for scientific research.
So I became a software engineer. I don’t regret it today, but much of my job years were stressful, I should’ve worked as a freelancer or independent game producer.
Tim, my real first name is Andrei. Feel free to call me by my first name from now on