I’m stable today, didn’t wake up depressed or hypomanic or anything.
Went for a walk and for coffee. It’s a warm sunny day here in Lisbon.
I think having a kitten will brigthen up my life.
Still no positive symptoms, not feeling even negatives lately.
I was fearing that this good spell of no psychotic symptoms would be a passing thing, and that my moods would trigger psychosis but I guess it’s just a fear.
Today I’m feeling good, have a lot to do and feeling confident that I’ll manage to do everything. Still a lot of cleaning and putting away in the new home and the old home.
I’ve been sleeping really well, no need for benzos or tv shows. Maybe it’s the new matress.
There is nothing quite as cute as a kitten. I’m glad things are going well for you. It’s always great to get a good start on the day. Try to build on this good start and have more good days. The morning can be a good time for you if you let it.
Yesterday the weather was also nice in Lisbon but sometimes we don’t value that when we’re feeling down, when we do, even for just a few seconds, it can propel the day!