How often it was that the opportunity to learn just wasn’t there and now it’s as easy as going to my computer! I love it.
Hmm. . .
Gotta Admit, I Discovered A Main Vein Of Teaching’s From The Internet During My Youth.
And Still To Thus Very Day.
My Family Didn’t Give Me Any Advice. Nor Any Insight To Anything. They Were Useless. A Void.
Nothingness In Short.
But!, That Doesn’t Mean The Computer Freed Me From All Curses.
Met Some Horrifically Disgusting Individuals On There As Well.
Still To Thus Very Day, Like Cockroaches They Swarm. And Feed. As I Loathe And Continue On.
Point Is,
There Is Much To Learn. And Much To Avoid.
The Sun Rises. The Sun Sets. As The Earth Spins. As Illusions And Reality Argue Into Infinity.
Thank You For Reading My Post.
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
Thanks to the computer I got tools for my situations. I read a lot of books but I like the computer I can have information in brief or at full length. I found an academy teaching the basics of science and maths for free. I get a picture what I am going to do in the next 20 years. Its perfect.
How about phone?
I had a phone for awhile but it made me crazy.
Do you ever just get lost in wikipedia, its kind of fun.
Lost and found.
Amen 15151615
That’s a nice way to put it.
It’s like that.
I agree @PinCushion. I remember having to do assignments in school and we’d all rush to the library to be the first one to get the single copy of the reference book that all 35 of us in the class needed. My daughter has no idea how limited our access to information and entertainment was in our own childhoods (pre Net generations). To me luxury is not what you own, but the ability to learn just because you want to and can.
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