Anyone have that one genre of music that can pull out any emotion from you. I guess mine would be hip hop.
Mine would be every genre except hip hop!
lol … good one @everhopeful
I personally dont get Hip Hop
For me it’s folk. I love folk music with a passion.
Classic rock n roll
A lot of people don’t get hip hop. Also it depends on who you listen to. However im kind of moving away from hip hop as i grow older and moving into 60s rock. Hip hop is just one of those things u have to be introduced to early on i guess.
It’s gone too commercial for my liking. Give me Tupac nas jayz Eminem biggie big l and underground 90s. I liked mainstream hip hop til 2011 then I went to other genres. I still “get it” though even though I don’t listen to it much
Hip Hop
(J means Japanese)
I totally agree hip hop died when coincedentally Nas released Hip Hop is Dead. The only hip hop I can listen to these days is the indie 00’s, like mf doom, del or eyedea etc. I can still listen to 90s golden age hip hop like Common, tribe, slum village etc. The only good hip hop that has come in the past 5 years is Jazz Spastiks and Captain Murphy. Anytime i hear someone blast Drake or Future from their car it makes my ears want to bleed. This decline in hip hop and music in general besides certain types of electronic has made me go back to the roots of music like, rock, jazz and soul. Sorry when its a conversation about music i always talk to much lol.
They have Japanese Reggae? Please post a video of a song. This sounds interesting. For Japanese music I think they do a great job at jazz like Soil and Pimp Sessions and The New Jazz Quartet.
@Kazuma Here is one that I recently found. That I think that you would like.
This is Miss Monday. She does reggae too.
Is Tool a music genre?
Id put Tool under Psychedelic Metal. If you can’t really genrealize a band take its base sound and throw psychedelic or experimental before it. It works
The genre that has the most influence in me must be 90s alt. rock. It brings nostalgia. Sure, there are many mediocre alt. bands, but they seem ok to me. I like hip hop though I don’t know if I really “get” them. Recent hip hop hits don’t seem to have real groove…I have to dig deeper though.
Don’t try too hard to look for good hip hop past 2006. It kinda died after that year.
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