I’ll keep it honest. I’m pretty sure half of you don’t even like me, and I only like half of you as much as you deserve, but I want to join in on the Christmas gratitude and say thank you. Most of you have contributed positively to my life, whether you intended to or not, and I am grateful for that. This is a good place to be most of the time. Without you all I would not have made as much progress or learned as much about myself as I have during the last few months. You all deserve a great Christmas and I hope you get one!
Thank you all for existing.
You’re a good guy Treebeard! Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays, BB!
I’m going to pretend that is Grandmother Willow and not some creepy tree demon so I can sleep well tonight. Merry Christmas!
It’s awesome BTW! Did you draw it?
It’s an ent
No, found it while looking for things for @PrincessKenny
Yay! A few more and we can have an entmoot!
Happy holidays to you tree beard
In the final analysis all we have is each other. What more could you ask?
Merry Christmas and happy New Years, @anon9798425!!! I’m always looking to spread Christmas cheer to a fellow LOTR fan lol
@Rhubot that was nice of you to find me all that stuff btw, I don’t know if I ever properly thanked you in my depressed stupor that night
You’re a good tree Treebeard!
And we all like you.
And im a fan of LOTR too. Read the books, and watched it several times. Was in love with Frodo…well, duh…just being myself
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Merry christmas to you all!!!
Big hugs!!! =^o^=
Merry christmas!
Ur probably not talking about me but ive never heard anyone besides my parents thanking me for existing so thank u! And have a great christmas!
I always appreciate your posts
Merry Christmas and I hope all goes well.
I liked and still like you. Not because you are from Northern Europe (a place of my dream), but because you were there to correct my viewpoint and simply existing.
It is my turn then to reason most of the people here don’t like me…
Just kidding.
Dude man!!! happy turkey Day Bro!!!
Its impossible not to like you! Thank you for existing too !