Tell me something positive about schizophrenia

Being schizophrenic is being more creative i think


I never wanted to get married or have kids. If I didn’t have schizophrenia that could have happened and I would have been sad :frowning_face:


Thats so positive , you rock you will never have kids and wife


difficult but i am gonna say same as everhopeful!
except i have a great husband


I was never thinking about getting merried, i dont know if i want that , but for sure merried i want , that would be awesome,


I find the schizophrenics quite intelligent in general lol. There is possibility that i am not a schizophrenic but some other mi, i have a friend who is schizophrenic and she still surprises me by her strength and intelligence even though that she has hard times :slight_smile: .

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Being sz is being relaxed.

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I guess creativity although I believe someone puts poetry in my head

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It positively sucks.


Something positive? Well, when I hallucinate music, it’s usually very pretty and relaxing.

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Well, before I ever had it, I could never spell “schizophrenia”. But two years after being diagnosed I am able to spell it correctly now.


Positive about SZ…
I’m not sure about everyone else but I see the world from a different perspective and think outside the square :slight_smile:
More often than you think… It’s the difference that makes the difference

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@GeekGirl are you bisexual and proud? Or do you just like unicorns?

I once trampled over a crowd of unwanted sick people with a monster truck but that didn’t actually happen because it was all in my schizophrenic mind.

On the real though, I feel closer to the person closest to me in life because they have schizoaffective as well as I do.

It brings an interesting, all new meaning to the phrase “Go to hell”.

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I’m happy now that I can line the pockets of psychiatrists and big pharmacy with gold all over the world with my schizophrenia. I feel good that I keep them from living on the streets.


Real â– â– â– â– . I read some book of shadows thing on the internet for wiccans early during my psychosis. I remember it saying christians created hell for witches to be put in and at the end of the book it says anyone who breaks the rules in the book of shadows even once will go to hell forever

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I like unicorns Lmaooo

It explained a lot of pain that I went through from 14 years old and earlier till I was 29¬!

If it wasn’t for the medications I’d be a mess. If it wasn’t for the modern medicines I’d be in a home.

That is a positive over many negatives!

It kept me out of World War II.

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