I love getting tattoos! I’m gonna get an outline done Thursday!
I have 13, and in a few days I’m gonna have another two
I don’t have any tattoos but I love looking at them and wanna get one eventually
I have two, I would like to get more of them.
@Om_Sadasiva. Nice! I got 4 and Thursday I’m getting the outline of another! May are the new ones or any old ones you’d like to tell or show??
@AwesomeFisherman I love tattoos too! If you don’t mind me askimg what would you get?
@anon63380492 nice! May I ask what you have and/or want to get
I have 3 and love getting them. It is addictive.
@GrayBear. I will agree there! May I ask what they are?
They are all military related.
@GrayBear nice 15
@anon63380492. Beautiful! Amazing!
@anon63380492 @GrayBear @AwesomeFisherman @Om_Sadasiva. I hope to get a drawing of what I’m getting tomorrow and get it Thursday
Cool would like to see.
@anon63380492. Me too lol I should be able to show the drawing tomorrow night
Yeah, I’m getting a full size capybara tattoo on my chest and stomach.
@77nick77. Wow… I will say that’s a cool animal
Yes, it is. I figure it will make me look tough.
You’re so funny
Aww shucks. Thank you.