Tanning beds for anxiety

I know tanning beds are not healthy but a month ago, I provided feedback to my gym online and one of the managers appreciated it so they gave me 100 minutes free tanning.

I did twice or three times, 6-7 minutes each. I know it’s unhealthy but it gave me such a positive energy boost, it felt amazing. I can’t wait for my gym to re-open so I can go again.


My friend was prescribed ten minutes a week in the tanning bed for her seasonal depression a while back. I think you can get the same effect from vitamin D supplements though.


Other than beautiful skin, my skin felt so hot and I felt so positive. The feeling was amazing.

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I gave up tanning, I used to tan daily at the beach and it is really hard on you skin later in life


I know but I love the sun. I am careful though


What about a personal mood light? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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What’s that?

15 characters

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It is a light box that people use for seasonal depression , among other things. :elephant::elephant::elephant:

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Do you have a link?

That is what I have, but you can find cheaper ones on Amazon. :sloth::sloth::sloth:

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