I’ve noticed that when I’m in an episode I feel the absolute NEED to keep talking, texting, something. I also feel extremely lonely so I think it’s connected. Anyone else?
Yes. I know that feeling. I have to text and talk about my feelings and thoughts when I’m psychotic. Also I seek a lot of attention. Unfortunately in my case New People think I’m weird when I’m psychotic.
I get that too.
I feel anxious and restless if I’m not almost constantly interacting with someone somehow.
But at the same time I wanna yeet outta the conversation as soon as I have one
I talk non-stop when manic. It feels good.
Sounds like your psychoses are called: mania, @Moon @anon8091425
I didn’t know this was a thing. Cause I do it too.
I talk a lot about my delusions when psychotic, it annoys people.
I believe that could be right, yes. I also get trouble with sleeping.
I’m the opposite. I clam up and hide in a hole.
@anon8091425 , if you also have trouble sleeping then yes the psychosis is definitely mania.
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