Maybe not physically but just not talk to anyone. I don’t feel like I know what to say anymore to people and I feel like I’m faking it all. Faking intereactons. I don’t know what I should or shouldn’t say. I don’t know what’s safe or what’s too much information.
Just go with the flow. No need to worry.
Personally, I prefer when people say too little than too much. I find talkative people exhausting.
I do too. I’m only super talkative when I’m manic. Otherwise people have said I’m too quiet.
But I just mean I’m scared of disclosing things to anyone anymore. I feel like a bother or sometimes I think maybe a bit paranoid about the voices not liking me talking about them
My motto is when unsure it’s a no. So if you’re unsure whether or not to disclose something you don’t.
Only when you feel 100% sure it’s a good idea to disclose I would.
At least that’s how I do it.
Yeah I agree. It just kind of sucks feeling alone with this. I don’t handle that feeling well
You’re not alone. And definitely not on this forum.
Whenever someone asks what my job is I go through it.
I feel alone if I can’t talk about my delusions because they’re consuming me anyway
Do you still have a therapist?
No, I lost hope in that after my good therapist quit and then my next therapist wasn’t great. Just made me lose interest. I don’t like talking for that long anyway
Here we have a phone and chat service for people who experience psychosis. It’s organized by a non-profit.
Maybe there are similar services in the US.
That would be pretty neat, I know we have the crisis line but they don’t seem to know how to really handle psychosis stuff
The weird thing is they see someone with a disorder or disability like skizo and they lock them up or make them do therapy because they are seen as unfit or bad but who is really the bad person in this situation?
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