I find my tactile hallucinations are back. I feel things crawling on me, especially my head. At night I feel things creeping up to stare at me at night.
I’m so sorry this is happening to you. How long ago did this symptom return? Do you think you might need a medication adjustment?
Has anything changed in your life? Maybe the stress of the holidays? I ask because you said they were back, like they went away before. If it is bothering you or interfering with your life I would talk to the pdoc about it.
@Sardonic - I’m at the top dose of Invega, 234mg every 3 weeks. I don’t want to change meds.
@disciple yes, been stressed a LOT. The tactile stuff had went away but came back past few days to a week.
Hopefully your stress level will go down now with the holidays over and the kids going back to school. Hope so, anyway.
I understand. Maybe in order to destress you can take a day for yourself and do whatever?
I wish I could. Would be nice.
Man, it sounds like you’re in a rough situation. I don’t envy you. I hope the stress comes down soon. Maybe when your kids go back to school like @disciple said. Then the holiday season will officially be over and you won’t have to worry about dealing with it.
I get strange ones internally, when Im learning something new i feel my brain bubbling like fizzy foam because I’m absorbing new information
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