SzA creativity

SzA here. Used to draw and create things all the time but now I find it tiring and less appealing. I only turn to drawing now to release whatever intense emotions I have from episodes. Otherwise I prefer more structured, rigid tasks. Any other artists with SzA change ad well? I’m wondering if the medication or the uncertain nature of SzA has made me this way.

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Yes I’m an artist too. Before I was medicated for sza I used to paint prolifically (in my late teens)

After that it went down. Nowadays I only paint once every few months. I wish I could paint more but my avolition is so bad. I have to wait for the rare good day.

Nowadays I try to keep my paintings as simple as possible so I can finish them in one day. Because if I don’t then they go unfinished for several months and I’ve abandoned two paintings because of that.


Ever since starting APs, I’ve lost all my creativity. I miss being musical and enjoying crafts etc. but I just don’t have it in me anymore. I’ll still take my meds though


I have schizophrenia (though sometimes I think I’m Sza). I used to draw and paint on my iPad Pro. I had a lot of sexually inclined symptoms before so the theme of my art was quite sexual. Now I don’t have the time or inspiration I used to have before.

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Thank you for sharing <3
@Hadeda I have had the same thing with drawings going unfinished. Doing smaller projects sounds good. I think I might try that. I hope you have more good days.


Thank you for sharing <3
@LilyoftheValley I hope you’re finding other ways to brighten your day. I feel the same way about taking my meds. I’ll still do it.


Thank you for sharing <3
@Rosette I hope you do find the time with what inspiration you have now to still do some art if it still brings you joy.

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You can get your creativity back, but it doesn’t happen without sincere and prolonged effort. I’m out every day of the week with a camera looking for colours, lines, and stories or bits and pieces thereof that I can snag. It still counts if it’s even just your cell camera. Creation is an ongoing process.

All from today at lunch.



Like others I also lost a lot of creativity once I took APs. I used to draw cartoons all the time, but once I got in the APs I lost all urge to create. Recently I started doing a little creative writing though.


Wow @shutterbug those photos are awesome! I love black and white pics. Thinking of doing paintings like that with one focal point in colour. I love symbolism of trees and roads.


Killer photos @shutterbug.


I was a lot more creative when younger and more acutely ill. Even then although the creativity was there it was hard to structure it into a story. That was undoubtedly due to the difficulty I have with organizing and planning.


These are really great.

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Thanks all for the kind words. This summer’s learning project has been to push myself to “see” in square or 1:1 format. I’m used to shooting in 3:2 or wider, usually. I’m exploring the walking trails in my new town over lunch and taking a cell camera with me.


I’m a writer. I wrote all of my freelance, ghostwriting, and first novel unmedicated. Since meds I haven’t touched my next manuscript.


I use to be a guitarist and music producer stopped doing those things since meds


Need someone to help poke?


Tonight, the mood I am in, that read really wrong.

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I meant support for a fellow creative.


I know. I know. I am just a bad child tonight.