SZ Reading Club: AUGUST

It’s not really reading, but I’m going to try and take an intro to mechanics course in coursera. If that does not work, I’ll finish “Parallel Worlds” by Michio Kaku. I gotta try something.

I like quantum. I like quantum finance.

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Sorry for getting distracted. Had some stuff go on.

How is your book progress? I finished mine and read a couple more.

I finished Neuromancer By William Gibson. Kindle. It was good but pretty gimmicky. This was the book that introduced concepts and names like cyberspace and the matrix. I think it was published like 1984. Kinda like being in the world of the movie Blade Runner with the central protagonist being like this tech person who tapped into cyberspace. Bit confusing to me in parts but I get the gimmick and it wasn’t badly written…

It’s a modern classic sci fi and worth a read but I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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@Aziz, no. Kindle unlimited has a monthly payment. I’m not sure what it is though.

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just finished “tommyknockers” by stephen king and now onto “the forbidden door” by dean koontz.


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