there will be three sz and 2 other mi people at my party tomorrow night lol
sz party, sz party, sz party
there will be three sz and 2 other mi people at my party tomorrow night lol
sz party, sz party, sz party
I wish I could be there!
i’d love to invite more but my house isnt big enough lol
Ain’t no party like a schizo party!
Where did you meet the other people with schizophrenia? I think I’d love to meet some people with mental illness in real life.
Hope the party goes well.
they are from my area and i met them by chance really, one was a friend of a friend and the other was a friend of a friend as well, the other two that are coming are the friends and they have mi as well lol. i might ask another sz if he wants to come.
Geez, you’re always up to something interesting daydreamer. Good going.
It’s Saturday!!! Post the address so we can all crash it
Lucky!! I imagine your guys’ conversations must be super fascinating. I am jealous, here i am, talking to normies about the weather and gently broaching news topics when i could be chatting about surveillance and mind control. Lucky!
I’d give a lot to be able to talk openly about my feelings concerning secret agents to someone who’d understand.
Post up what you guys talked about! It’ll be almost like we’re there with you!
hi, it was just two sz and a mi person so we just had a drink and watched some shows on tv ‘x factor’ and ‘i’m a celebrity get me out of here’ it was great, we ordered dominoes pizza and cookies,
we didnt talk about anything amazing or anything like our symptoms or anything we just talked about anything, nothing special, sorry.