SZ and inappropriate emotions

Since I developped SZ symptoms my emotions became inappropriate. I laught at funerals for no reason. I laught when my gf cried infront of me because I cheated on her. When I hear someone died I become happy. When everyone is happy and laughting I cry. When ppl ask me what I do in life or what I will do in the future or if I have a gf I laught eventhough I don’t have a life anymore. Why?

Its like if my emotions are disconnected from reality and ppl.

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I don’t always laught but smile and inside me there is laughter.

I read its a symptom of SZ and its worse when I am unmedicated.

I’m the same way, to an extent. It’s more my actions - my body language, that mortifies me. I give out the most inappropriate signals every place I go. People pick up on it, too. There is usually a short period of hostility from the people near me while I’m giving off these mortifying signals, but then it calms down, and people don’t bother me much.

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my emotions have been so inappropriate that it has made me more ill. Trying to process this information is hard for me and I don’t understand them at all well.

I have sat in a funeral and not being able to stop laughing.

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I am not alone then. Thanks!

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I randomly cry for no reason. Always have. It’s like a wave of everything feeling completely devoid of substance, just emptiness.

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I have a very bad problem of laughing at inappropriate times.

It stresses me out

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I was laughing a lot at my first few appointments in the hospital with the pdoc. He was just so calm n collected and idk why but I got random thoughts n feelings in my head that made it look silly and I would just laugh. This is b4 they put me on meds. Hence all the laughing out loud.

They decided I was smoking weed lol. Since that was written in my notes…

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I want to cry when I see everyone around me happy and laughting. Its like if my emotions never match other ppl’s emotions.

SZ makes emotions detached from reality.
At least its slightly better with meds and I still look normal for ppl when I am medicated. (I try my best to look normal infront of ppl)

My teachers have called me inappropriate. Idk how much of it is un-wellness or me being a garbage human, but I cheer disaster. Schadenfreude describes it. Yesterday I was fist pumping at the dow jones dropping, ecstatic at the idea of misfortune to rich people I’ve never met who would probably spit at me.

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