SZ and another relationship doomed

I was told by my current girl friend, who is leaving me, that I lied to her when I omitted I was schizophrenic. I only omitted it cause I planned on never it being an issue between us nor ever needing to talk about it with or to her. I guess omitting and lying are the same thing …I don’t think what I did was so bad but I guess to her it was , anyway she is quite tired of me and my mom had said the same thing about me - so any clues on how to have a relationship and when do you disclose you’re schizo or how or ugh


@Django81,y husband hid his sz diagnosis from me his entire life and the only way I found out about it was from reading his medical records one day, long after we were divorced. He still insists he is normal. He was also sociopathic. With my sza, the chances of our having a sz/sza baby were as high as 40
percent. And our child did indeed end up with a sz diagnosis when he was 19 years old. That child ended up committing suicide at the age of 30. If I had known that I or my husband were sz/sza, I would never have married him or gotten pregnant.


It is not a direct lie. It is, as you said, what is called a ‘lie by omission.’ You kept something from her intentionally that you knew she would want to know.

Personally, I believe you have the right to keep your medical information confidential, up to a point. At some point, if you trust and love someone you have to trust them. But you definitely have the right, in the begining parts of a relationship to not tell the person. If they ask, that would be up to you.

It is very scary carrying this around with you and trying to date. I know you care for her but if she is not willing to work past this, maybe she doesn’t deserve you.

I was thinking what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, trying telling her that you wanted to let her get to know you before making any kind of judgements and tell her it’s not that big a deal, that’s what I would do, it’s not fair really.

@SkinnyMe sorry to hear about your son, xxx

Ive always been up front with prospective girlfriends about my Sz. Some are okay with it - Some haven’t been. But those that have had a problem ive dumped anyway cos i believe they are not worth it. You take me for what i am - warts and all - or im not interested in you!

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I told my boyfriend before our first date about my schizophrenia diagnosis.

I also told him I have herpes before we met.

Good prayers and wishes for your son , x and you.
I am glad you seem to have friends and also a religion

Your religion to perhaps give comfort etc

Sorry it posted to soon by accident

Maybe you can make up with your girlfriend and explain why you did not tell her at first.

I have lost friends because of schizophrenia and symptoms and also a woman who said I was her best friend and a man I chated with daily and miss

Friends I still love and miss.

I like to think we are friends still in spirit.

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