So I'm not disclosing I'm sz anymore

I’m going to keep it completely private from people that I meet and make friends with and also from the girl that I might be starting to date online.

This is my prerogative isn’t it?
It’s private information
It would stigmatize me

Anyway I don’t want to lie or live a double life so it’s taking some verbal finesse. But yeah I think I’m doing the right thing.whay you think :speech_balloon:


It’s a private information! Definitely it is.
I won’t disclose it too.
Last company I did not disclose it.
And I will not use my condition as an excuse.
Even for a rejection from a girl.
If things don’t work out, it does not, period.
And its not because I am sz’nic

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It’s your choice.

I’ve stopped telling new friends I have sz… maybe later I’ll tell them though or it’ll come up.

Obviously you should tell a potential partner at some point… I’d assume and hope.


I could just say I’m bipolar… the sz really scares people and it makes me feel like a subhuman


For some people sz scares the living crap out off them.

And for some there is only one word for all psychiatrist conditions.

And for some they don’t even try they are lost in their own world.

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I think you should tell your girlfriend you have schizophrenia eventually but you don’t need to tell anyone else.

I never tell anyone that I’m schizophrenic, unfortunately my dad told some of his family like his mom and sister and my mom posted about me being mentally ill on Facebook and Instagram so who knows how much of her family saw those posts.


You’re not subhuman… fck people who don’t understand. . And you don’t have to disclose it until you’re ready to.


I was full on married before I disclosed the extent of mental illness.

I met him during a really interesting time in my life and I was doing super well.

We only dated 2 years.

He knew I had tendencies and surely knew something was up from the beginning.

We talked a few times.

But I never had like a sit down and came out about my mental illness.

I think that’s never a good idea.

What’s so horrible about me that I have to be like "I’m gorgeous, have a stellar personality, however

No, that’s not fair to me.

A lot of people think you should be totally upfront,

I disagree.


My policy has always been, why tell people something that they are only going to use against you?


I don’t tell. It’s no one’s business.

I’m curious - does anyone know - if I use supported employment, will they disclose my diagnosis to the workplace???

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It’s a treatable illness, always has been but with side consequences, at worst its like having the HIV of communicable disease to mental health. There will be people more understanding and willing to accept risks that you pose. Some may call it wokeness that will date a schizo, or some other naive way of thinking. But not only that afterall.

I actually don’t think they specify the nature of the disability coco. I’m about to find out

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If you’re able to remember after you find out, can you let me know?

Yes I will


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Thanks so much @FreeLunch !

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If you’re dating someone they have the right to know before it gets too serious.


I donno… I wonder if I’ve been shortselling myself this way

I kind of agree with charles

I do not support dishonesty in relationships.


I’m not lying. And I wouldn’t to hide it. I’m very careful with my wording …it’s just a question of disclosure