
“meaningful coincidence”
Do any of you have experience of several synchronicities in your life?

What is your take on it? Do you think that it may have a meaning?


How I met my Hubby. Lived 100 miles from each other. Met one day on at an outing, then 5 years later met again. Married a short time later.


That’s quite beautiful story.

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First time we met we were both in relationships. The second time single.


I know when I was psychotic everything was connected and God was sending me messages through animals and other things. I think the saying “there are no coincidences” has some truth to it, I believe in God, but if we look too close into it it’s mental illness. Like thinking every license plate has some meaning.


Yea I think it’s not good to dwell on it too much, become obsessive over it.
I can def relate to it in psychosis.
but I have noticed some coincidences in my life sometimes that make me think cool that was interesting and they were not of the psychotic type.

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I’ve been thinking about writing something on this for a few days. I was going to name it Quads…Again. To get four of a kind in Texas hold 'em poker is a very rare thing. It’s a rare thing to just SEE quads if you just play casually on the weekend. You might see quads twice a year if you’re lucky. With online poker you see more hands, more often, but quads is still a very rare thing to see. This has been on my mind the last few days as remembered my experience with WSOP free poker. I would often search for a table that I think will be easier to win at. So I’m bouncing from table to table and within an hour I’ve seen quads four times. I was the victim of their last apparition as I cursed the poker gods and quit. After thinking about it, I chalked it up to the fact that I’d played for free for some time and the guys at WSOP might think I should pony up and buy chips like most people do. I thought about this whole thing a few days ago while playing online poker at another site. Within a few minutes of sitting at the table, I had seen quads twice. I think it’s reasonable for me to think about such things. They’re quirky and curious. An object I can easily put back on the shelf when I’m done being amused.

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According to statistics, what is the probability for an event to occur twice? What are the odds of a certain event to occur? Usually events occur at random with no correlation from event A or event B. The odds of synchronicity is a coincidence. Science cannot find any validity in coincidence or synchronicity.

But if such an event was to occur. How does one react or deal with that situation during the moment?

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One thing I wonder is out of ALL the things that happen in the world at any one time, is it still unlikely for a ‘coincidence’ to happen?

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My curiosity on the synchronicitys makes me wonder about this:
An underlying interconnectedness?
“In physics, we are taught that every single particle in the universe has a gravitational effect upon every other particle, no matter how far the particles are separated. This unified effect supports the theories that all events are related, in some way, to each other. Thus it can be said that synchronicity is merely a very personal and subjective observation of this inter-connected universe of which we are but a small part.” – Stephen J. Davis
Bells theorem:
everything in the universe is connected as an indivisible whole


@anon90843118 How is a “coincidence” supposed to be measurable if it occurs only once and repeatable for others to observe? A “coincidence” is an event but what happens afterwards will depend on many other factors or responses.

Surely, in time physics & statistics will evolve when being taught to students. It was only 100 years prior that radiation from certain super heavy elements were discovered. The first nuclear weapon was detonated just some 70+ years ago. So perhaps synchronicities will be a taught discipline. Who knows.

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My neighbor says this ■■■■ is real but I don’t know what mental illness she has. She told me anxiety and I think PTSD. But nothing delusional or schizophrenic. Another girl I know in real life gives me the same vibe but she hasn’t told me about any mental illness she has. If she has one.

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I try to avoid reading into things to find synchronicity. I find I start making leaps between things that are definitely unrelated. I used to be heavily into the idea of soul mates due to synchronicity beliefs as a teenager, but that was back in my heavy delusional days.

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I mean is it really that unlikely to have coincidences in some people at any one time considering all the events that happen in the whole vast world all the time? I don’t know. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by measurable.

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Measurable like units of quantities such as ounces of rain or Richter scale magnitude of earthquakes.

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My measuring scale here is chances due to statistics…does it not make sense that maybe the chances are not so unlikely for a coincidence to happen when you consider all the events that happen in the world at that one time? or is it still a very unlikely event. I dont know. Even then very unlikely events do happen as part of statistics so maybe its just that, random.

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@anon90843118 Chance or an event must be of extreme significance to a person or group of people. Small events happen to us everyday in the world at one time and we do not take these small events into consideration.

Yes, randomness is a topic discuss in statistics. Random number generators are an example.

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Is it possible that our brains contain “buckets” for different kinds of perception? So that, after a/p med therapy for a few months, we lose sight of those other modes of perceiving and thinking? Are our brains capacious enough for two or three “people?” If one of us were to take a trip to the far East and hang out with yogis who see things Westerners don’t, wouldn’t we have a harder time with our delusions? Just a few months ago a different part of my mind was dominant.


Yes licence plates played a big part in my illness. Also, road names and especially advertising billboards. This was because I’d play word games, rearranging the letters and looking for anagrams, even rhyming words to find a hidden meaning in them. I thought they contained secret messages meant just for me.


Once I started taking low-dose Abilify (1 mg a day), ideas of reference started happening much less, like thinking noises or messages are related to what I’m thinking at the time.

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