@SzAdmin Topic was locked so I am posting here. @Ninjastar said that the supplements thread was locked because users should not take medical advice from other users. I just want to understand what I am allowed to post… Are users allowed to post about their experiences with vitamins/supplements? I am confused because the medication category states: “Post your questions and comments about medications, supplements, vitamins that might be helpful for schizophrenia or closely related conditions…”
I think it’s a gray area between “comments” and “medical advice.” A comment can easily be taken as medical advice. It’s good to have moderators making these decisions rather than robots.
lol attempt number 3…
Just trying to get a clarification here bro
Have you tried reading the pinned threads on sarcosine and l-theanine?
There are a lot of comments.
Supplements are not prescribed by doctors, and if you by them yourself then you can’t be sure what you are taking.
Yeah, I have read those threads and they are super helpful, but I am trying other vitamins aside from those and thought it was okay to make new posts about them.
I haven’t been able to find the thread you mentioned. Generally I strongly support the moderators here - they have a long and good trackrecord of good judgement.
As a general statement - we at this site like to see scientific evidence (specifically double blind, placebo-controlled studies) before we think people should try something - e.g. a new supplement, etc.
I’ve seen a lot of posts like that but it’s always possible to cross a line. I might suggest putting the name of the supplements in the search box and seeing what past posters have had to say.
Next person who reopens this thread gets a week-long ban.
I could use a one week vacation.